Advertise vacancies for free on OU website

You can advertise your vacancies for free on a website full of skilled, work-ready people looking for employment.

Many Open University students study in order to either progress their careers or change to a new one entirely, and with most already in employment they are ready to bring a combination of academic knowledge, work experience and transferable skills to the workplace.

You can reach this audience by uploading your vacancies for free to the Open University JobZone.

There are 187,000 students across the UK and the world under the Open University umbrella, at an average age of 29, and coming from a wide range of educational, professional and social backgrounds.

Upload your vacancies here>

For more information, contact Pamela White: / 0115 971 5587.

For support with hiring and training staff, visit the comprehensive Buckinghamshire Business First Workforce Support section of our website. Information is available on a range of topics, including recruitment, employment checks and contracts of employment, subsidised training and apprenticeships.

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